Saturday 2 November 2013


Hello I was going to share with you a lesson a teacher taught me....
Every one go through their childhood phase....where we will sit in a chair and listen to our teacher who teaches a lesson that helps us to build our personality in a correct manner...
But the point is HOW MANY of us are still following the lessons taught by our teachers in our childhood?
Most of the lessons we learnt when we are kids are based on good manners..they might be in the form of a story or any other...
And we study subjects which help us to earn money or make a living when we grow up..that is in colleges and universities.
With the changing time, many of us forget what we learnt and how to behave in a proper way...
Today, thinking about my past and my childhood,I tried to collect some thoughts and the lessons
 I have been taught when I m young.

And I so wanna share it with the guys who view my blog.
One thing I remember my teacher saying is "DO NOT REACT TO THE SITUATIONS..BUT RESPOND!!"


 This is the lesson that came up to my mind when I tried to recall some memories..
Now its your turn!!
Just close your eyes in your free time and try to remember life lessons you were taught by your teachers...

NOTE : Teachers are anyone who teaches you a lesson!! It might be your friend, your EX :-p ,
your Parents...and your children too.
           Hope your memories will bring a smile on to your face in your busy life.. :-)

                                            THANK YOU FOR READING!!